- Jasser Auda
- www.iiit.org
- 2007
- 376
- 8280
- 3679
- 4184
Maqasid Al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) has great pleasure in presenting this scholarly work on the topic of Maqsid al-Shariah (the higher objectives and intents of Islamic Law). The author, Dr. Jasser Auda, is a well known multi-disciplinary scholar, who has developed a specialization in this field. This novel work of serious and careful scholarship, presents a new approach to the methodology and philosophy of Islamic law that is based on maq¥|id al-SharÏ¢ah. We hope that the important analysis and ideas contained in this study, will not only make an important contribution to the field of maq¥|id al- SharÏ¢ah, but also attract wider attention and generate greater interest among readers.