Islam and the Sanatan Dharm

Islam and the Sanatan Dharm

The divine revelation for the human mind is like the external light to eyes. The light of the eye alone is not enough in the process of vision unless it is accompanied by an outer light.

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

حقوق العمال في الإسلام

حقوق العمال في الإسلام

حقوق العمال في الإسلام لقد كرمَّ الإسلام العامل ورعاه وأعزه، وقنَّنَ لحقوقه لأول مرة منذ ولد آدم عليه السلام

Publisher: لجنة الدعوة الإلكترونية

Have You Discovered the Truth about Him?

Have You Discovered the Truth about Him?

This is a marvellous interactive book talks about the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from many aspects. He presents some of his teachings and gives a glimpse at his life and attributes. In addition, it shows what the world’s scriptures said about him.

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

The Concept of Prophethood  in Islam and Hinduism

The Concept of Prophethood in Islam and Hinduism

In this short publication we are going to compare the concept of Avatar or incarnation of God on earth according to the Hindu philosophy with the concept of prophethood or messengership in the Islamic belief system. We will also explain why Muslims do not believe in incarnation as interpreted by Hindu scholars and philosophers.

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

Virtues of the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

Virtues of the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

By His wisdom, God gave preference to some places and times over others. For Muslims, Friday is the best day of the week, Ramadan is the best month of the year, “Laylat al-Qadr” is the best night in Ramadan, the day of “Arafah” is the best day of the year. Likewise the first ten days of the month of “Dhul-Hijjah” are the blessed days for Muslims.

Publisher: EDC Publications

Have You Discovered its Real Beauty?

Have You Discovered its Real Beauty?

This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

Hadiths about Women

Hadiths about Women

10+ Hadiths about Women The E-Da`wah Committee in Kuwait, is please to present this short publication on the status of women in Islam.

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee