All About Ramadan

All About Ramadan

All a Muslim Needs to Know about the Rulings and Merits of Fasting, Zakatul-Fitr, I`tikaf, Laylat al-Qadr, and Èidul-Fitr

Prophetic Medicine & Herbalism

Prophetic Medicine & Herbalism

Prophetic medical traditions exhort humans to not simply stop at following Muhammad teachings but encourage them to search for cures


Christmas, Jesus & Islam

Christmas, Jesus & Islam

In this book you can learn about: * The Islamic ruling on celebrating Christmas and sharing non-Muslims' festive occasions. * The Islamic view of Jesus and of his role as prophet and messenger.

The Road to Madinah

The Road to Madinah

It is the new Hijri Year; the 1437th anniversary of the Prophet's immigration to Madinah; a special moment that evokes a long journey of tireless work to deliver the message of Allah to humanity, the message of light, mercy, compassion, solidarity, and justice.The Road to Madinah